Thursday, July 12, 2007

instead of thinking we play donkey kong...

here is a preview of the new ufc video game.

i hope the finished product looks this good.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

i know you and you cannot sing...

i saw morrissey monday night at the norva in norfolk. it was great to finally see him perform in person. he opened with 'the queen is dead' and i have to admit that my heart did jump a little.

hometown boy makes good. if any one is going to get on stage at a concert it's vab's own timmy. here he is towards the end of 'how soon is now?".

courtesy of

overall it was a very good show. we did kind of get new'd to shit, but he played 'national front disco' and a night with morrissey can only be but so bad.

Monday, July 2, 2007

look out fabes...

...cuz my boy is fierce.

the other week my friend ryan parker won his first pro mma fight. disproving conventional wisdom that you should always bet against the guy with more tattoos. there was no need to go to the score cards on this one. ryan took him down, got side control, mounted and got the armbar inside of the 2 minute mark.

if you have myspace you can watch the fight here .

here is his fighter profile on sherdog.

congratulations ryan.